Magnet School

      A magnet school is a public school that offers a specialized curriculum based on a theme and educates students from a variety backgrounds and neighborhoods. While the curriculum at LMA Magnet school still follows the NYS Standards and NYC curriculum expectations, we specialize in a focus on Leadership, Multimedia and the Arts. New York City Magnet School students have choice! Our student population is diverse in many ways, coming from different backgrounds and different parts of New York City. 
      At LMA, our expert staff find ways to include our theme throughout the school day, every day. Students are given the opportunity to work with real artists through our teaching residencies. They also are given the choice of clubs to join that relate to media and the arts! Enrolling your child at our Magnet School will not only give your child a well-rounded education filled with unique experiences, but will also provide them with connections to Middle Schools and High Schools that are also Magnet Schools! 
If you are interested in enrolling your child, please fill out the intake form. 


Our Magnet Team helps by incorporating the magnet theme into the school! If you have any questions, please reach out!

Ms. Trujillo-Guzman
Magnet Coordinator

Ms. Cuzzo
Magnet Resource Specialist

Click here to enroll!